Lowe Memorial Presbyterian Church Eco Committee holds first meeting!

Rachel Quigley sent ECI this report: Lowe Memorial Presbyterian Church Eco Committee in Finaghy, Belfast had their first meeting on 21st October 2019. Whilst we were a select (but enthusiastic!) few on the night, there were plenty of others who expressed an interest in what we were doing.

We discussed how we could go about completing the Eco-Congregation Ireland Checklist as a starting point and we are still working on this. We also discussed doing something eco-themed at the Christmas Fair and decided we would make beeswax wraps to sell and compile a list of eco tips that people could take away with them.

We’ve also met with Christian Aid who are keen to help us on our journey and get us involved in their Climate Justice campaign. They’ve agreed to speak at a Sunday service in the New Year on the subject of Climate Justice and we are really excited about this. It’s still early days for us as a church but we are full of ideas and so far these have been well received! At our second meeting we had twice as many people and at the Christmas Fair we sold all our beeswax wraps and had a lot of great conversations on the subject of environmental matters which was very encouraging. Well done to all!