with Dr John Feehan
Saturday 6th April 2019, 9.30am – 3.30pm: (Registration 9.15am)
Columban Ecological Institute
St Columban’s, Dalgan, Navan, Co Meath
A drama in three acts: Act 1 is ‘The Story of Farming Past’ followed by questions and coffee at 11.00am. Act 2 will tell us of ‘Farming Today’ and will be followed by lunch at 12.30pm. In the afternoon, we will head outdoors for a fieldwork session. Act 3 will be an attempt to peer into the mists of what ‘Farming in the Future’ will be.
If you wish to attend please book with Elizabeth Mc Ardle, [email protected]. Cost €30 and includes full lunch and morning tea/coffee. Students €10 and you may pay on the day.
Please bring a notebook and pen. Suitable outdoor clothes, rain wear and walking boots are all recommended and the day will go ahead whatever the weather.