Oireachtas committee report on Climate Change Bill ‘missed an opportunity’, says Stop Climate Chaos

The Stop Climate Chaos coalition welcomed a report on climate change legislation published on 20th November by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Community and Local Government.  However, the coalition said the report “missed an opportunity” by not suggesting specific carbon emissions reduction targets should be set for 2050.

The report was published by the Oireachtas Committee following an intensive series of hearings with stakeholders in recent months.  It focuses on the outline heads of the Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Bill, and includes a number of observations on how the draft Bill can be amended and strengthened.

Speaking on behalf of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition, Oisín Coghlan said: “We very much welcome this report and the fact that it proposes a number of improvements to the draft Climate Bill.  It concludes that the advisory committee overseeing Ireland’s progress on tackling climate change should have a stronger role than that proposed in the draft legislation.  This is something Stop Climate Chaos has consistently said: the new climate law must provide for a properly independent oversight committee.

“The report also contains welcome suggestions on how to ensure our climate policies are rolled out in an efficient and effective manner.  In particular, it’s good to see suggestions to reduce the timeframe for national action plans from seven years to five, and to develop a national roadmap for tackling climate change in advance of sectoral roadmaps.

“However, one disappointing aspect of the report is that it falls shy of proposing that specific carbon emissions reduction targets should be set for 2050.  Stop Climate Chaos remains convinced that the simplest and most effective way to ensure Ireland adheres to its commitment to reduce carbon emissions is by enshrining a numeric target in law.  The fact that this hasn’t been proposed in this report is a missed opportunity.”

Stop Climate Chaos is a coalition of 28 civil, development and faith organisations. Eco-Congregation is a member of the coalition. Further information is available at www.stopclimatechaos.ie.