Eco-Congregation calls on churches to show leadership following IPCC report

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a “wake-up call” to churches as well as governments, corporations and individuals.

Andrew OrrThat was the view expressed by Eco-Congregation Ireland chairman, Rev  Andrew Orr, following publication of the latest IPCC report on 27 September 2013.  Rev Orr issued the following statement:

“The latest IPCC Report from the UN on Climate Change confirms what they had said before: the world is suffering climate disruption at a speed that is unprecedented, and they are now 95% confident that humans are causing it.  The levels of carbon in the atmosphere are already greater than any time in the last 800,000 years. The effects of this will get worse and will last for centuries, unless we take drastic action now: as US Secretary of State John Kerry says: ‘Those who deny the science or choose excuses over action are playing with fire’.

“This is a wake-up call to governments, corporations and all of us to do what we can to limit destructive greenhouse gas emissions.  The Churches should be taking a lead in modelling best practice among their congregations, and encouraging parishioners to put pressure on companies and our governments to take immediate and effective action to tackle climate disruption.  We look forward to hearing what the Church leaders have to say in the coming days.”

Rev Orr is Rector of Tullow Church of Ireland parish. He replaced Sr Catherine Brennan as ECI chairperson on 23 September 2013. We are hugely grateful to Sr Catherine for all her hard work and commitment in the chair for the past 5+ years.