Welcome to our new Methodist rep ~ Rev John Purdy

Eco-Congregation Ireland is delighted to welcome Rev John Purdy as the new Methodist representative.

Rev John PurdyRev Purdy, who is Minister of Dunkineely Methodist Church in Donegal, has “in many ways a green heart, if not the green fingers normally associated with environmentalists,” according to his own description.

He has a love for the beauty and peace of God’s creation and tries to get time to put on his walking boots and get out in the open air and preferably up a hill or two.  In his 15th year of rural ministry, John is aware of not only the grandeur and beauty of the countryside but the increasing financial/social struggles and ethical dilemmas faced by rural families in Ireland.

As co-chair of the Methodist Council on Social Responsibility, he was responsible for the church’s environmental policy ‘Climate Justice in the name of Christ Jesus’ and sees it as his task to try and engage in the full breadth of Christian ministry; ‘Jesus said to his disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”’

These words are taken from the Gospel according to Mark’s record of the Great Commission, and move the focus beyond human beings.

John was Minister of Clonakilty Methodist Church when it became the first eco-congregation in the Republic of Ireland, and also has been involved with Fairtrade in Clonakilty, Skibbereen and Donegal Town as each achieved status.

He is married to Vanessa – “a true Yorkshire lass” – who shares his commitment to sourcing the best local food and keeps him supplied with homemade bread, including her special chocolate bread following the LOAF principles of being Locally produced, Organically sourced, Animal friendly and Fairly traded.

We welcome John on board while acknowledging that we will miss our previous Methodist rep – Helen Shiel of Dundrum Methodist Church, Dublin – who served faithfully on the ECI committee since its inception in 2005. We thank her sincerely for her many hours of dedicated service.