Fairtrade Fortnight ~ February 25 – March 10

How will YOUR church celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight 2013? Will you sell Fairtrade products after church and encourage members to switch to Fairtrade? Will your church commit to only buying Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar from now on (if it isn’t already doing so)? Perhaps you could host a Fairtrade chocolate party? All ages will love it!

Fairtrade Ireland will be holding talks, workshops and exhibitions throughout Ireland during Fairtrade Fortnight (February 25 to March 10) to encourage the Irish public to go further in its support of Fairtrade.

Fairtrade 2013This is the 11th year of Fairtrade Fortnight – an awareness-raising exercise to encourage people to buy Fairtrade-labelled products and to ultimately look after the food we love and the people who grow and produce it.

Highlights this year will include a photo exhibition of Fairtrade Senegalese cotton farms by photographer Sean Hawkey, which will be launched in Temple Bar’s Filmbase on 1st March, but will also travel to various locations throughout Ireland.  Also, on 7th March a Fairtrade cotton producers workshop will be hosted by Re-Dress, an organisation which promotes ethical practices within the fashion industry. Members of the public will have the opportunity to meet Senegalese cotton producers.

There will also be celebrations in Clonakilty, Co Cork, to mark the 10 year anniversary of its becoming Ireland’s first Fairtrade town.

And the first Irish couple to get married wearing Fairtrade-certified rings will take place during Fairtrade Fortnight!

See www.fairtrade.ie.