Have your say on climate change policy!

Stop Climate Chaos logoIf you live in the Republic of Ireland, one of your TDs may be about to play an important role in climate change policy. TDs on the Environment Committee will receive and review the promised draft Climate Bill from Minster for the Environment Phil Hogan later this year. There are 15 TDs on the Environment Committee. Check to see if yours is one of them .

If so, email your TD that sits on this Oireactas Environment Committee here and ask them to send a letter to Minister Hogan to make sure that he keeps his promise of publishing the Bill this year.

If you don’t have a TD from your constituency on the Oireachtas Environment Committee you can email the chairman of the committee- CiarĂ¡n Lynch TD .

Ireland has made several pledges to cut our greenhouse gas emissions. However, our progress in actually cutting our carbon emissions has not been good. Email your TD on the Environment Committee today to ensure Ireland does its fair share by enacting a strong climate law.

Stop Climate Chaos is a coalition of civil, development and faith organisations that is working collaboratively to prevent runaway climate change. Eco-Congregation Ireland is a member of the coalition.