Weather Matters ~ Alex Hill

Alex Hill, the Met Office Chief Advisor to Government for Scotland and Northern Ireland, presented two workshops on ‘Weather Matters’ at Eco-Congregation Ireland’s inaugural conference. These looked at how weather and climate impact on Ireland would look in the coming decades.

Alex also looked at some of the skeptics’ arguments which make people doubt the need to take action now to both mitigate climate change and adapt to climate change that is already inevitable.

Participants were asked to consider what they want from Stormont, the Dáil and ‘civic Ireland’ and to come up with a wish list for the broader world. They were then encouraged to ‘think global, act local’ by developing a list of personal actions they could take to both mitigate and adapt to climate change in their own lives.

Alex joined the Met Office in the early 1970s and has held a variety of posts since, including Head of the London Weather Centre and Senior Forecaster for ITV National Weather. His one claim to fame is that he once performed a song and dance routine with Manuel (Andrew Sachs) from Fawlty Towers for Comic Relief!


Alex’s presentation can be seen here – Weather Matters workshop – Alex Hill