Have your say on national climate policy

The National Climate Policy Development Consultation is open for submissions until 30th April 2012.

At that time the Minister announced a three-pronged approach to the development of a robust and comprehensive response to Ireland’s obligations, challenges and opportunities in the area of climate policy:

A public consultation process to ensure the widest possible range of views are brought into the debate on future policy;

An analysis by the NESC Secretariat of future policy options – specifically options for policies and measures to close the distance to Ireland’s 2020 targets;  and the development of a basis for a long-term 2050 vision for a low-carbon economy; and

ongoing work, through the Cabinet Committee on Climate Change and the Green Economy to drive sectoral progress on emissions mitigation.

The purpose of this consultation is to provide policy-makers and the NESC Secretariat with the widest possible range of views and opinions on issues that are of substantial long-term importance to Irish economic and social wellbeing.

Specific areas where input is sought include:

Current policy towards meeting targets;

Future potential polices and measures to meet targets,

How those choices can be assessed or weighed up;

Views on the challenges and opportunities associated with building a green and sustainable economy and society;

Views on legislation in terms of form and function.

The outcome of this consultation will feed into the work being carried out by the NESC Secretariat and into proposals for legislation to be prepared by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, as well as providing useful material across the wider policy development agenda.

For further info see http://www.environ.ie/en/Environment/Atmosphere/ClimateChange/ClimatePolicyDevelopmentConsultation/