In 1960 it was 3 billion and by 2085 it is projected to reach 10 billion. This puts huge pressure on the environment and its life support systems. “All environmental problems become harder – and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people,” says world-renowned environmentalist, Sir David Attenborough.
Over-exploitation and habitat loss as a result of population pressures is also accelerating the extinction of plant and animal species, undermining the poor in parts of the world where people are heavily dependent on nature for livelihoods. Areas of rapid population growth overlay those with high numbers of threatened and vulnerable plant species, and much of the coming growth is expected to take place in the tropics, where ecosystems harbour the planet’s richest forms of biodiversity.
“We need to reduce land-based pollution and stop destructive fishing practices that weaken coral reefs. We need land use reforms, government incentives for developing biofuels and alternative energy sources, and education. However, doing any of that without also making efforts to slow population growth makes an uphill climb even more difficult.
“About half of those reductions would come from fertility decline in the United States and developing countries, and could be achieved simply through meeting existing demand for family planning services. More than 200 million women in developing countries want to avoid pregnancy, but need modern contraception. The emissions reductions that could be expected through meeting these family planning needs would be roughly equivalent to the reductions that would come from ending all tropical deforestation.
“Every human being has a right to a certain quality of life, which is harder to achieve with growing population. Human numbers are central to achieving a sustainable future. As we celebrate the birth of the 7 billionth child, we should also make investments now to improve his or her future.”