The cartoon read, ‘I’ve spent most of my life playing golf. The rest I’ve wasted.’
I’m looking at the leaves building into mounds around the trees. It started weeks ago. Now, in November, it’s raining leaves. We are blessed with such notice of our (super) natural world. Trees know when it’s time to hibernate. The mounting leaves suggest a time for quietness and a chance to breathe. Another season advances with its gift and threat.
leaf fall –
Earth’s begging bowl
‘Fortune favours the fast’, advertises a broadband company. We need to speed up our communication. We need to speed up our lives. We have so much to do and so little time!
Yet we have everything we need to be alive except the awareness that we are alive. On a particular date we emerged from our mother’s womb. Another date will sweep us out of time. Meanwhile, Christ’s coming reminds us that the light of our true selves shines in us.
On a moving train the landscape blurs. We don’t quite know where we are until the next station slows us down. Winter is for taking stock, for checking our pulse – a season to be savoured over cups of tea and conversation; in warmer clothes; in longer silences with the whole of bowed-down creation before the One who is our light.