What can I do for the environment this Lent?

Instead of giving up chocolate, why not vow to cut down on carbon use for the 40 days of Lent? There are many ways this can be done, including turning down the heating by a degree, fitting draught excluders, switching to energy-efficient light bulbs and walking/cycling or using public transport instead of driving.

The Love Life Live Lent series of books offers a new way of marking Lent. Instead of giving up sweets or going on a detox, it encourages people to undertake a simple act of generosity each day. The actions are small and fun to do, but make a real difference in homes, families and communities while helping to transform the world – locally, nationally and globally. See www.livelent.net.

There is an urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and to protect poor communities around the world who are already suffering from the ravages of climate change. The energy-guzzling lifestyles of those of us living in developed countries are harming our poorer neighbours in developing countries.

There is a moral imperative for every one of us to act now!