Show the Love Campaign – 1-21 February 2021

Show the Love is an annual celebration of everything we care about and want to protect from the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Every February, since 2015, people from across the UK use the power of green hearts to join together and ask politicians to put aside their differences and tackle the climate crisis. 

The past year has been a year like no other. The devastating impacts of the pandemic have impacted us all, and made us value what we love more than ever. 

Join them between 1st – 21st February and use your voice to ask politicians to commit to building a cleaner, greener world that works for everyone. By taking part you’re joining with hundreds of thousands of people – from musicians to football clubs, community groups to businesses, astronauts to schoolchildren, teachers and faith leaders – to show the love for everything we want to protect from the climate crisis.

Green Christian states:

2021 is especially important as it’s the year of the big COP26 climate conference in Glasgow.

As our contribution to the 2021 Show the Love Campaign Green Christian are asking churches and individuals to use this Show the Love Prayer and Blessing in worship on Sunday 14th February – Saint Valentine’s Day.

Every February since 2015, people from all walks of life have joined the Climate Coalition’s Show the Love Campaign. By taking part you show the love for everything you want to protect from the climate crisis and to create a safer world for future generations.

Show the Love Prayer 2021

O God who is love
Let love empower our compassion
Let love embrace each and everyone
Let love unite humans and non-human
In restorative co-existence.

O Jesus, love come down to earth
May we honour the earth
May we honour all that dwells in the earth
May we be reconciled with the earth
Become what we are, of the earth.

O Spirit of love
Grant us a spirit of humility
Grant us a spirit of carefulness
Grant us a spirit of friendship
For the earth and all that dwells with us here.

Toni Bennett

Show the Love Blessing 2021

May our loving God,
who created the world and all that is in it,
Inspire us to delight in our beautiful home,
And to live in wonder, peace and joy.
May our living God keep our hearts turned to loving our neighbour and to respecting the creation we share.
May our merciful God help us to live this week in goodness and hope,
And fill us with God’s peace. Amen (Ash Vale Chapel Poetry Group)

All the Prayers

All the Show the Love prayers submitted by Green Christian members are featured on this link as a resource for anyone to use.

To find out more about the Show the Love campaign