Small Grants Scheme Assists St Augustine’s Priory, Drogheda

Anna Byrne DC, one of the Catholic representatives on the ECI committee visited this project and sent us this update:

Drogheda -excellent work in care of creation

St Augustine’s Priory, Shop Street is an example of what can be achieved with imagination in an inner-city church with limited outdoor space.  Every spot is used to effect. It is a work in progress which was started some years ago with the help of an architect who surveyed the area and suggested possible ecological projects. Money from ‘the small grant scheme’ was supplemented with donations in kind from local garden centres and businesses.

To-day there is a mini park-like area beside the church where locals can come to pray, remember their loved ones, bring their newspaper/coffee or lunch and sit in comfort for a while. Given the south facing aspect one could sit for a while – even in February. Each area is discretely cut off to allow for privacy. Fruit trees and shrubbery plus a mini herb garden, where visitors can select something to take home to flavour their dinner, give a rural feel. Swift boxes were installed when the roof of the church was renovated. Local people are proud of it and anti-social behaviour is quickly reported.