Latest News from Westport Eco-Congregation

Brid McAuley sent us this update:

Westport Eco-Congregation organised a re-gifting weekend in mid January. The idea behind this event was to encourage people who had unwanted gifts to re-gift them. We collected over four carloads of unwanted gifts and these were distributed to charity shops, local charities and care homes. By redistributing these gifts, we were promoting the Circular Economy. Prior to Christmas we ran a campaign suggesting the public refrain from purchasing gifts and giving Presence rather than Presents.

In mid January Westport Eco-Congregation launched a 6 week course – Climate Action for the over 60s.  Over 20 participants are enjoying a most informative and thought-provoking course given by the excellent facilitator Jacinta Barrins. We would highly recommend this course to other groups throughout the country. The course is packed with information and suggestions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint and every participant is encouraged to pick one action they can change.

Westport Eco-Congregation would like to congratulate Dr Lorna Gold on her appointment as incoming Executive Director of Laudato Si movement.