Presentation of Endeavour Award to Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Johnstown, Killiney

Geraldine Murphy sent us this report:

On Sunday, 1st September, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Anna Byrne, Daughter of Charity, presented the parish with the ECI Endeavour Award.  While thanking all present at the Mass, Anna spoke words of appreciation and encouragement to us.

While receiving this Award, Geraldine Murphy, on behalf of the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation group, thanked Fr. John Sinnott, PP, Raymond our Sacristan, Nicky our caretaker and all the wonderful parishioners who have generously supported projects such as replacing church and carpark lights with LED lights; increasing biodiversity with beautiful bee and butterfly friendly plants, lovingly tended by Olivia Murphy, Anne Noonan, Breege Moore, Martin Moore, Kathleen Feehan, Margaret Toomey and led by our hardworking, creative and enthusiastic horticulturist, Maire Ui Scolai.  Most recently, with the help of DLR Co. Co. we are beginning the managed rewilding of our church grounds.

Over the years, parishioners have generously supported the sale of Fairtrade products grown by sustainable farmers in the poorest countries; the collection of baby products for Community Connect, a volunteer run registered charity, supporting pregnant and new parents in a practical and tangible way; the collection of food for the Capuchin Day Centre which serves homeless immigrants and the poor in our city.

Our parish is celebrating 50 years, so this Award is especially appreciated at this time.