The Season of creation is a significant time for the Wilton Justice Group and St. Joseph’s Parish, Wilton.
On September 1st the Season of Creation was commenced by a special prayer service marking the World day of Prayer for Creation and the beginning of the SOC. During the prayer service, we reflected on the message of Pope Francis for the Season of Creation 2023. We set up a Sacred Space in our Church, with the symbol of a mighty river, reflecting the theme “Let Peace and Justice Flow” This was a gentle and transformative space, enhanced with a beautiful creative poster designed by Gerry Forde, the SMA Justice Officer. It depicted the abundant and awe-inspiring creativity of God and invited us to embrace the mission entrusted to us by God, a mission to celebrate this creation with gratitude and to care for it with reverence and love. This became a focal point for the duration of the season. We were blessed, also, with the presence of Paul Flynn, who gave generously of his time and talents in the making of some wonderful videos, desiring to communicate and disseminate the pivotal themes of our celebrations.
A special celebration for the SOC was held on the night of September 21st. To prepare for this we invited the children of the local Gaelscoil Uí Riada, to draw pictures of creation and to highlight how we might care and protect it. Their response was awesome! We displayed their art in our Church and our Parish Centre. We planned a walk round the grounds of the SMA House, stopping to reflect on aspects of creation and the effects of climate change. Our celebration began with the hymn “For the Presence of the Lord is Here.” After the warm welcome, we heard why the biodiversity garden was created. We spent some time meditating in this holy space before beginning our contemplative walk. We then moved to our first Creation Point, to reflect on the effects of climate change, focusing on the migrants leaving their country of origin, to escape the effects of climate change in their own native lands, to avoid famine, hunger and war. At the second Creation Point, as we moved through the trees, we spent time listening to, and reflecting on the poem “When I Am Among the Trees” by Mary Oliver. It invited us to “linger awhile for the light flowed from their branches” and ponder on the magnificence of a bright, clear night with a splendid sunset.
The third Creation Point, lead us to Fr. Tom’s garden, which had been tended lovingly by the Care of Creation Group throughout the seasons. Here we observed the beauty of Creation and the fruits of the earth, listening deeply to their unique message for each of us.
We walked back to the Parish Centre, singing” Laudato Si O Mi Signore,” where the participants shared on their experience of the contemplative walk. We prayed, sang hymns, danced and ended with a cup of tea. This may be viewed on this link https://youtu.be/VIt9HHz6LDc
In collaboration with Trócaire, our Justice Group, arranged with Fr. Michael O’Leary, PP of the SMA Wilton Parish, to host the Trócaire Tapestries in St. Joseph’s Church during the last week of the SOC. These tapestries highlighted corporate injustice and human rights abuses around the world. They called for stronger regulations for companies responsible for human rights violations and environmental harms. Accompanying them were letters to an Tánaiste Mícheal Martin, and Finance Minister Michael McGrath, petitioning to increase Official Development Assistance in Budget 2024. Members of our Justice Group assisted in getting many signatures to these letters, for which the Trócaire team were very grateful, and hopefully will prove to be beneficial. The tapestries with their various themes maybe seen on the following link https://youtu.be/8OAPUgi79tM
Another project on hand for the month of October is a fundraiser, to help buy an incubator for a maternity hospital recently built for the people of Malawi by the Medical Missionaries of Mary. Wilton Justice group is coordinating this project between the MMM sisters and St. Joseph’s ParishWe are very grateful to Fr. Michael and the parishioners for their wonderful generosity in supporting this project.
The close of the Season of Creation was marked by a special prayer service honouring the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4th.