On Tuesday, October 3, a group of friends gathered in the parish pastoral centre to celebrate the vigil of the feast of St Francis of Assisi and the conclusion of the Season of Creation 2023. They had met on the three previous weeks to reflect on how they can help to reduce water pollution, on the importance of reducing food waste and on the gift of upcycling. Pope Francis’ words in Laudato Si were the source of their inspiration.

The theme of Light was central to the October 3 celebration so it was a gift and a privilege for them to have the Eco-Congregation Ireland candle as the main visual focus. As the friends gathered around it singing ‘This Little Light of Mine’ faces were lit up with joy and hope, desiring to spread the light of the importance of caring for our Common Home. Those present really value being part of Eco-Congregation Ireland as it reminds everyone that they are part of a group that is passionate about caring for our precious Earth. They feel encouraged to keep going! Well done to all!