A meeting of the NI Creation Care Network took place in South Belfast Quaker meeting house on 9th September. The Network was also able to host the Eco-Congregation Ireland Climate Justice Candle as part of their event.
The morning began with a period of sharing when participants spoke about the many and varied ways in which they are promoting environmental actions and activities in their churches and local communities. This included updates about the Drumlin Wind Co-operative, Jubilee Community farm and the work of A Rocha. During the sharing some participants also reflected upon what other ways churches could challenge themselves to promote sustainable living such as volunteering to care for spaces beyond their gates (e.g. through the ‘Live Here Love Here’ initiative by ‘Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful’) and eliminating the use of toxic chemicals and weed killers in their outdoor spaces.

The second part of the event involved a fascinating and engaging presentation from Finbarr Keaveney from Maghera Parish Church in Newcastle. After a personal introduction, he invited the group to join him in a short meditation on ‘What a wonderful world’. This set the tone for a thoughtful and reflective account of his parish’s journey towards gaining their Eco-Congregation Award. With music, song, posters, books, and videos he illustrated the many actions they had undertaken including the cultivation of a Sacred Garden and Ogham Tree Avenue in Bryansford. They had also held special events such as a Blessing of the Animals service and a Creation Walk. In all of this, the parishioners were inspired by the theme of ‘Awe and Wonder’ from the Papal encyclical, Laudato Si. The event concluded with a brief question and answer session and all left inspired and energised to continue with their work in promoting care for creation amongst their own churches.