Margo Delaney sent us this report:
It was with great joy we welcomed the Eco-Congregation Climate Justice Candle to our parish to guide us in our celebrations of the Season of Creation 2023.
Having been alerted two days previously that we would, in fact, have the ECI Candle on September 1st, we set about preparing a sacred space for this dual event – the launching of The Season of Creation and the solemn of the ECI candle in this special place in the sanctuary of our church.
Speaking at the end of the liturgy, Margo spoke of the privilege of hosting the ECI Climate Justice on this special day when people across the world joined in prayer that “justice and peace {may} flow like a mighty river” across our earth. Many of the congregation gathered around the ECI Climate Justice Candle in an act of solidarity and as a pledge to pray and act together for climate justice.

Bonnybrook parish gather in solidarity around the Eco Congregation Climate Justice
We were delighted that Fran Brady, board member of Eco-Congregation Ireland joined us on this joyful occasion.

On the weekend following weekend, a slide presentation focused on the origin, meaning and inspiration of the Season of Creation, with special reference to the challenge offered by the ECI Climate Justice Candle. As people left the church, they were invited to take a copy of the booklets , “Caring for our common home – guide to caring for our living planet”, a joint initiative of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and the Stockholm Environment Institute, and “Taking Practical Steps to Care for Our Common Home” , produced by the holy Faith Sisters.

The Second Class Pupils from St Joseph’s School came to spend time in our Season of Creation sacred space, to ask questions and look at some of the representations of God’s bountiful gifts to us. They learned too how each one might do some small thing to care for our earth so that all people and all creatures could live in unity.

On Saturday, September 30th,one of the wettest days on record, St Joseph’s Parish handed over the ECI Climate Justice Candle to a representative from the parishes of Ballymun so they could gather around it to celebrate the final days of the Season of Creation.