Angelo sent us this report:
African Missions SMA, Blackrock Road, Cork (SMA) chose the first week of February, Lá Fhéile Bríde, which marked the beginning of the Celtic Spring to use the Climate Justice Candle and the theme ‘Shine a light on climate change’. It was a time for us to sow new seeds and allow the Spring buds to open as we continue to honour God’s creation.
We felt challenged to play our part as individuals and as communities by taking action here in our homes in SMA Blackrock Road, and join with the Our Lady of Apostles in Ardfoyle, Cork. By becoming involved we felt linked with local and global climate initiatives offering us an opportunity to” speak truth to power” ourselves. We can only speak that truth if we are trying to live it.
We were very conscious of the candle being passed on to us as it connected us to the wider body of people involved. Fr. Jerome Anoumou- Sassou, originally from Togo, received the Climate Justice Candle from Pastor Matt Gould from the Carraig Centre in Ballincollig and brought it to Blackrock Road.
By adapting the ECI resources, CAFOD recources and integrating them with our own we came together for a prayer service which we have put on YouTube:
It was not all action as time was given for participants to reflect on some activity they might undertake, and to consider what commitments they might make personally and in their community to work for climate justice. Each person present lit an individual candle symbolic of honouring God of Creation and a prayer that we be empowered to be bearers of the light of hope and shine a light on Climate Change.
This began our Week of Prayer on Climate Justice. Intercessions were prepared for daily masses as well as personal worship.
We linked up with the local schools and showed them the candle and explained what it meant. Due to their timetabled restrictions, we were unable to hold a prayer service with them but they have scheduled one into their Autumn timetable to use in their liturgies.
Over the weekend Fr. Jerome sacredly brought the candle from the SMA Religious Community to the SMA Parish Church. The three masses were given over to theme of ‘Shine a light on climate change’. The congregation were also invited to take away a prayer card with an adapted version of the Laudato Si Climate Justice prayer.
The three weekend masses were celebrated by Fr. Michael McCabe SMA who blessed the candle on its installation in the Church while Fr. Michael O’Shea SMA and Bp. Tim Carroll SMA focused the themes of their homilies on Care for our Common Home and God’s Creation on the Sunday morning masses.
On our Sunday bulletins (space permitting) now offer different prayers for God’s Creation or offer tips on how to care for God’s Creation.
The light continues to shine …..
Download the SMA Prayer for Creation
Download the Climate Justice Service
Download Fr Michael McCabe’s liturgy
Download God in Nature liturgy