Eleanor Maynard sent us this report:
The ECI Climate Justice Candle was in a prominent position under the pulpit and lit for every Service. Many prayers were said about the environment and our need to protect God’s Creation mentioned in several sermons.
One new initiative to encourage less buying of unnecessary gifts, was our Give and Take Table. Items which were new or in excellent condition were donated and if anyone wanted them for themselves or as gifts for others they could take them. Some people gave a donation to the Bishops Appeal. We encouraged folk to buy Christmas presents from Charity Shops or give alternative gifts or at least buy local handmade gifts. I hope we can continue promoting this in future years. The Vestry may also be considering new larger projects. People were encouraged too to use recycled paper or that which can be recycled and to steer clear of glitter etc.
Thank you for the opportunity to have the ECI Climate Justice Candle which I hope has sparked more interest in protecting the environment and will continue to do so.