Latest News from Westport Eco-Congregation

Caroline Goucher sent ECI this update:

Westport Eco-Congregation participated in a dynamic event on May 30th. Mayo County Council in partnership with the Mary Robinson Centre hosted a hybrid event to bring together Mayo people from around the world who are working to protect our planet. 

The event showcased Mayo people at home and abroad who are leading climate action at a local and global scale, and those involved in research, innovation and in developing solutions for the climate and biodiversity crisis. The Kenyan ambassador to Ireland addressed the event and spoke of the effects of climate change on his country. As part of the one-day event groups who are working at the grassroots were asked to create a two-minute video on their work – these videos were shown at intervals during the event. Westport Eco-Congregation produced a short video – all the videos are available on the Mary Robinson Centre website.

Westport Eco-Congregation continues to produce short pieces on climate action and climate justice weekly for the local newspaper and parish newsletter.  Issues we have covered recently include Laudato Si’ Week 2022, May 22-29, and protecting our beaches. Follow us on our social media to keep up to date on our efforts.