Holy Family Church, Kill O’Grange Creates Care of the Environment Shrine

Nora Mary sent ECI this news:

We, in Holy Family Church, Kill O’ Grange have recently set up a special shrine dedicated to Care of the Environment.  We are very aware that this is the seventh anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical – Laudato Si and also Laudato Si week. The shrine was blessed after Sunday Mass, so the whole congregation was involved. 

We are so happy to have this permanent special shrine so that all who come to the Church will be reminded of the ‘Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.’ During the week we also had the Ecological Way of the Cross which many in attendance found very meaningful. In addition, we have a St Francis Wild Flower Garden just outside the church.

We are also ready for hosting the Eco-Congregation Special Climate candle during the Season of Creation.

The framed posters behind the shrine can be read here:

Ethical Principles in the Cry of the Earth

Who is Under Our Carbon Footprint