Rose O’Connor sent ECI this latest news:
The Diocese of Limerick and the Salesian Cosmology Group have established an Inter-Diocesan Laudato Si’ Movement. The Movement is Chaired by Sr Betty Baker of the Salesian Cosmology Group and involves representatives from the Dioceses of Limerick, Killaloe, Cashel & Emly, Kerry and Ossory. The group first met in August to share ideas and resources on the Season of Creation. Daily quotations and practical ideas of action were shared on the Diocese of Limerick Facebook throughout the Season of Creation.
The Diocese of Limerick, in partnership with the Salesian Cosmology Group and the Diocese of Ossory broadcast a ‘Moment of Reflection’ event live on Facebook on the 1st of September to launch the Season of Creation. People were invited to take some time to reflect on the importance of caring for our common home and how we can each make a difference. The event can be viewed at this link.

The group met again in October to review the Season of Creation and to plan a Cosmic Walk which was held on the 6th of November in Cabragh Wetlands. The Cosmic Walk provided a wonderful opportunity for the group and their invited guests to hear and reflect on our Creation Story. The group were so inspired by the passion with which Michael Long and Tom Gallagher from Cabragh Wetlands Trust shared the story. The group reflected on how they experienced the walk and explored practical ideas on how we can all play our part in caring for our common home.

Our November meeting focused on preparing for Christmas and in particular sharing and exploring ideas for celebrating an eco-Christmas.
As part of a series of online Christmas Reflections, on Wednesday 15th December, Sr Betty Baker will offer a reflection on ‘Creation Connections at Christmas’ which will invite people to look at how we connect with family, faith and nature. People are very welcome to join us, you can register for the series at Details on the poster below.