Margo Delaney sent ECI this update:
COP 26: COP 26 Oak Tree
At our daily liturgies from October 31st to November 12th we prayed for world leaders that they might have the vision, conviction, and courage to commit to strong actions to address climate crisis and loss of biodiversity. Now, we will contact our local politicians to support and urge them to implement these commitments, knowing that our voice counts.
As a sign of hope, we planted an oak tree in the parish church grounds. The sapling, donated by a parishioner, was blessed, and named “COP 26 Tree of Hope”.

Beginning Again: Re-forming Our Care for the Earth Ministry Group
COVID 19 lockdowns had a severe impact on all our ministry groups. Within the renewal of ministries schedule, Care for the Earth Ministry Group met on November 23rd. Dympna Mallon, who has wide experience in promoting ecological justice with the SMA and Jesuit societies, put fresh heart into our newly formed group of eight. Now we have new plans and interesting ideas to help us move forward.
Advent: Our Pledging Tree
Focusing the theme of awakening, we have repurposed our Lenten Tree as a Pledging Tree. Parishioners are invited to make a pledge to take one concrete action that will lessen their carbon footprint and help redress the devastation of our planet. A guide and inspiration poster, together with labels on which to write their pledges, are placed at the foot of the tree.

Outreach to Others
Bonnybrook Parish Eco Aware Group responded to the invitation from Our Lady of Good Council, Johnstown, to speak at their Sunday liturgies, with a view to inspiring the parishioners to continue the journey towards becoming an eco-aware parish. It was a privilege be with them as they welcomed the Eco-Congregation Ireland Climate Justice Candle.

Parishioners’ Interest and Generosity
One of the valuable outcomes from creating an awareness of the need to appreciate the gift of our beautiful world is the generous sharing of shrubs, bulbs and cuttings by parishioners. What might otherwise have been considered waste, is now brought for planting along the church boundary fence. The photograph below shows this work in progress.

We intend to take two key statements from Dympna Mallon’s motivational talk to our Care for the Earth Ministry Group to guide us as we work towards being recognised as a Gold Eco Aware Parish:
“Everything is interconnected and interdependent
Everything we do has consequences for each other, for our earth
And for sisters and brothers whose lives are being devastated
By climate crises and loss of biodiversity”