Alice O’Connor sent us this report:
Bishop Denis Nulty presented Prosperous Parish, Kildare an Award on behalf of Eco-Congregation Ireland and planted a tree in our eco-garden for the Season of Creation. Great thanks to Sr Catherine Brennan on her kindness, support, and direction to achieve this. Sr Maureen O’Connor gave a Communion Reflection on the environment. The Eco-parish team were then presented with the plaque. We had beautiful singing of Seán Ó Riada’s repertoire during Mass.
We invited Bishop Denis out to plant a tree in our Eco-garden. The Hawthorn tree had self-seeded over the last 2/3 years in Marie Keogh’s garden, one of our Eco members. The seed had been dropped by a bird. It is an excellent plant for biodiversity, with lovely, scented flowers in May important for pollinators, and in Autumn red haws to feed the birds. The root ball was covered with a natural hessian to protect it. We sang Seán Ó Riada’s ‘Ag Criost an Siol’ around the tree, led by Bishop Denis. It was a great celebration!