Janet Twomey sent ECI this update:
Last month we promoted the start of the Season of Creation in our Parish by creating a display in the sanctuary of the altar of the Church of Our Lady and St. John in Carrigaline.

We encouraged parishioners to sign up to the ‘Healthy Planet, Healthy People Petition’ in advance of the crucial climate talks at the UN COP26. We placed the link to thecatholicpetition.org in a colourful poster in our display.

We tried to keep the printing to a minimum and got a small number of Season of Creation leaflets and Laudato Si’ Prayer cards printed up locally for parishioners to take with them after Masses throughout the month of September.

Fran put the link to the petition on our Parish Facebook page and encourage people to sign it virtually. Care for Creation was prayed for at Masses each Sunday too. We planed to plant a Silver Birch Tree on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi on 4th October.

We also wrote our own prayer for this special time of year:
Praise be to you, Creator of all things. Come to us, dear Lord and plant the seeds of compassion in our hearts and grant our local and worldwide leaders wisdom to make the changes we need to see so that your earth and your people can thrive as you planned. Reach out your loving arms to all your brothers and sisters and renew our love for you, our fragile planet and all living creatures. Grant us peace in our hearts as we remain hopeful for change. Guide us with presence as we continue to commit ourselves to work for climate justice.