Margo Delaney sent ECI this latest news:
The Season of Creation has been a special time in our parish. The focus of our activities is twofold: to raise awareness of the need to care for our common home and to undertake activities to underpin that awareness.
Pope Francis, in Laudato SI’, reminds us that care for creation“ is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience” (LS,217). Taking this as our inspiration, all of our liturgies highlighted the wonder of God’s creation, the damage being done to our beautiful planet, and steps we can take in our daily lives to care for our environment. People were invited to take a copy of the three-fold flyer (found on our website:, as they left the church, and to pray the Creation Time prayer each day from September 1st to October 4th. Flyers were also given to the teachers in our local school. On each Sunday, we are urged to remember and respond to “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”.
Our parish celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion during the Season of Creation. On each occasion, the parents and children attention was drawn to the Season of Creation sacred space, asking that we each develop “a sense of GRATITUDE and WONDER for the gift that we have received in this beautiful place and in this extraordinary planet”, (A Pastoral Letter for the Season of Creation 2021, Archbishop Dermot Farrell)

On September 17th, third Class from our local school helped Fr Joe plant a native Irish hawthorn tree. The children can now watch and wait for new buds, flowers, and fruit to appear in the coming year.

The sixth classes in our school are creating a collage of pictures, all focused on raising awareness of the urgent need to care for the earth and illustrating concrete actions each can take in daily life.