Carmel O’Neill sent ECI this latest news:
Due to the sharp decline in the number of swifts Blessington Tidy Towns together with the help of Oran O Sullivan (Irish Birds) embarked on a project to identify suitable sites for Swift Nest Boxes. Five suitable sites were chosen in the town, the rear of the Credit Union, St Mary’s Church, Blessington Community College, St Mary’s Junior school and Blessington Primary Care Centre. Each box is accompanied by a calling system to attract new birds to the the sites. Some good activity has been seen in the vicinity of the Credit Union and St Mary’s Church. It is a slow process but Blessington Tidy Towns are hopeful of confirmed nesting pairs for 2022.

In the Autumn of 2019 , we created a composting site using old wooden pallets from the garden centre for fallen leaves to the rear of the church. These were left to rot for 18 months and this Summer we were rewarded with an abundance of leaf mould which will be used to suppress weeds in the area adjacent to our Wildflower bed.

The wildflower bed provided us with a great display of colour from July onwards. The seed donated by Sandro Cafolla of Irish Wildlowers contains 5 species – Poppy, Cornflower, Corn Marigold , Mayweed and Purple Cockle. On Tues Sept 21st , 2nd and 3rd class from Lacken NS together with their class teacher and pastoral worker Aine visited the Wildflower garden. Carmel outlined the steps taken to create the display as well as outlining the importance of having a source of nectar and pollen for the species of wild honey bee that are swarming in a creviice in the gable wall. The visit concluded with a prayer service and each child was given a bee pollinator spring bulb to plant at home. It is hoped to have the children return to the garden in the spring with their crocus or grape hyacinth in bloom.

A number of branches from the beech trees in Lacken Church were recently cut down and the caretaker created a log pile near the existing bug hotel to create a wildlife coridoor. We plan to add some of the leaf mould to attract hedgehogs and frogs looking for a home in the winter months.
To mark the Season of Creation, a prayer Service on Care of the Earth was held in St Mary’s Church Blessington on the feast of St Francis of Assisi Oct 4th. Notices for this have been put in the parish newsletter, Wicklow People and posters in all 3 churches and supermarkets. Members of our Tidy Town/Village groups have also been invited. Prayers for Care of the Earth and for people who have lost their homes through climate change have been included in the weekend masses throughout September. We have included Pope Francis reflection on Care of the Earth as a Communion reflection.