Fr Martin Hogan sent ECI this update:
For the Season of Creation, Sr Bernadette created a lovely display in our church porch for the duration of the Season. On the first Sunday of the Season of Creation, we also left bulbs on a table in our church porch for people to take away and plant. That same Sunday, we had a special focus on Creation at the 12.00pm Mass, with special prayers and reflections. Most weekdays we prayed a prayer for Creation at Mass, during the prayers of intercession, and we had a Creation themed reflection after Holy Communion, such as the reading of a section of the ‘Canticle of Creatures’ by Saint Francis of Assisi.
On the last Sunday of the Season of Creation, 3rd October, the day before the feast of Saint Francis, we had a special blessing of animals and pets in the grounds of our parish church. This was a first for us, but we hope to repeat it. Throughout the Season we continued to place a quote from Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment in our Parish Newsletter, which we have been doing every week for some time now. On that same Sunday, the children were invited to plant some bulbs in a window box during the 10.00 am Family Mass, which we will transfer into the garden at the front of the church.