Darina McCarthy sent ECI this update:
The Diocese of Galway has formed a Laudato Si’ working group. The group has met twice in recent months and will seek to lead the diocese and support parishes in promoting the message of Laudato Si’, and take appropriate actions to ensure our communities and parishes are embracing the message of the 2015 encyclical. Bishop Brendan Kelly says: “The recent IPCC report makes it clear that we’re dealing now with a major moral issue for us as individuals, as families, as community, and as Church. Our diocese and parishes, our families and households, must all play our part … In this matter of life and death for our planet, small initiatives are not only beautiful, but critical for us all and for our children.”
As part of the Season of Creation this year, I have been creating a weekly poster for our parishes, with some simple ideas each week for energy conservation and eco-friendly actions, a prayer, or a message from Laudato Si’. If you are interested, these posters can be seen here: www.galwaydiocese.ie/season-of-creation-2021