Miriam Mooney sent ECI this latest news:
The above poster about Laudato Si and the theme of the 2021 Season of Creation – Restoring our Common Home has been in a prominent position in Rathgar Parish Church during Season of Creation 2021. Laudato Si group members spoke at the beginning of each Mass on Sunday 5th September, the first Sunday of the Season of Creation about our fragile common home. We have also been facilitated to include Prayers of Intercession at each Sunday Mass about Climate Justice, restoring Our Common Home and reflecting on all our daily choices/decisions and how they impact on the most vulnerable. We also had a particular focus on St Francis during Mass on the final Sunday of Season Of Creation on 3 October.
Features on Season of Creation have been in the Parish Weekly Newsletter including Acts of Love for the Season which encourage us to reflect and make changes in our daily lives to reduce carbon and pollution. Work continues in the Laudato Si Biodiversity Garden behind the Church with new volunteers and gifts of plants. One of the Laudato Si Group continues to attend the Dail with young people on most Fridays as part of Fridays for Future and joined on 24 September for the larger demonstration outside Government Bulidings in Dublin.