Anne Quinn sent ECI this update:
The photo above shows our Sacred Space for Creation Time laid before the beautiful new altar in the recently refurbished Cathedral of the Assumption Tuam. This indicates the centrality of caring for God’s Creation in our parish.
At the front of the picture is the prayer being recited daily for Creation Time at all masses.
The banner in the Cathedral porch reminds our community of the purpose and importance of Creation Time in the Church calendar.

With deep sadness we recently let one of our dear founder members Geraldine Flannery go to her eternal home, may she rest in peace.
At present Eco-Congregation Tuam are recruiting parishioners wishing to join our core group. We welcome anyone with time and energy to spare in the organisation of services, events or community activities which serve to bring awareness and practical care for God’s Creation in our efforts to ‘Restore our common home’ Earth.