The Quaker burial ground in Belfast has had a number of bee hives in it for the past 3 years. The beekeeper there is noneother than Eco-Congregation Ireland’s admin assistant Karen Nicholson. South Belfast and Frederick Street Quaker Meetings were looking to offer their burial ground to a beekeeper to use, at the same time that Karen had started a beekeeping course and needed a location for her hive.
2020 was the first year Karen was able to get some honey from her bees which she shared with friends at Christmas.
This year she was able to get about 3.75 litres of honey from her hives and she decided she wanted to do a little more than share it with friends. This was at the same time as the humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan was unfolding, and she came up with the idea to offer her honey, and in exchange people could donate to the Red Cross Afghanistan Appeal (https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Karen-Nicholson20).
At the time of writing, friends have generously donated over £600 to assist the Red Cross purchase food, basic medical supplies and medicines, shelter and water. In a spirit of neutrality, independence and impartiality, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement works with all communities and in all regions to help reach and assist those most vulnerable.
Thanks to Karen’s bees for doing so much hard work all summer and to the Quakers in Belfast for sharing the space of their lovely burial ground.