An Tairseach is currently hosting their Autumn Sabbatical. Within the programme they have some ‘stand-alone’ courses, check out their webpage for more information >>
Courses in Wicklow at An Tairseach Retreat & Ecology Centre
Exploring Spirituality in the Context of an Evolving Universe, an Endangered Earth and the Christian Tradition
Sunday 17th October to Friday 12th November 2021
Mini Sabbatical
Join us for a four week mini Sabbatical from 17th October to 12th November 2021. The programme will include exploring the theological implications of the ‘new’ cosmology; being aware of the consequences for understanding our place in the universe; listening to the wisdom of the mystics; examining our images of God and critiquing our present world order and exploring possibilities for a sustainable lifestyle.
Monday 25th October to Thursday 28th November
Emerging Consciousness. Implications for Faith and Life with Sr Sharon Zayac OP
We are in the midst of a cosmic shift in understanding who we are as persons, as people of faith, as a human species. What is this newly emerging consciousness? Using the Cosmic Story, we will explore and reflect its deeper meaning and find inspiration and hope.
Sharon Zayac is a Dominican sister of Springfield, Illinois and co-founder of Jubilee Farm, her congregation’s Centre for Ecology and Spirituality. She is author of “Earth Spirituality: In the Catholic and Dominican Traditions” as well as of numerous articles. She has lectured on many ecological issues within and outside the United States including Laudato Si, Pope Francis’s widely acclaimed encyclical on Care of Our Common Home. Her latest work focuses on evolutionary consciousness as a sign of hope. This is a ‘hybrid’ course which means that you can engage with the content either online via zoom or as a residential guest. The residential course includes half board and accommodation.
Tuesday 2nd November to Friday 5th November
Integrating the Living Cosmology – Covid 19 and the Antrhopocene
In dialogue with Diarmuid O’ Murchu the conversation will focus on the recent pandemic and its long-term ecological and spiritual implications. Covid 19 is an urgent call to reclaim our status as earthlings, creatures with a seven-million-year evolutionary story, now fixated on a new wave of human domination, (named by some as the Anthropocene), proving to be perilously dangerous for our future on this earth. What will it take for us to heed this global wake-up call?