Season of Creation/Creation Time is almost here! There are resources available for all traditions! ECI would like to share the following resources with you:
Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference – https://www.catholicbishops.ie/2021/07/21/season-of-creation-2021/. Please share with priests and liturgy committees.
Season of Creation 2021 – https://seasonofcreation.org/.
Climate Sunday Resources – https://www.climatesunday.org/
Pray and Fast for the Climate Prayer Vigil for COP26 Resources – https://prayandfastfortheclimate.org.uk/2021/07/31/prayer-vigil-for-cop26/
Eco-Congregation Scotland – resources will be launched on August 19th. Keep an eye on their website here https://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/.