Lorcan McDermott sent ECI this update:
One of our most recent walks, our first outing after lockdown, was on the Carrigolligan forest trail between Kilternan and Enniskerry. A nineteenth century leadmining and smelting centre was located in Ballycorus near Kilternan. We had a leisurely walk of two kilometres, on a sunny morning, through the forest leading to the now disused eighty-foot-high granite chimney, originally built to remove fumes from the smelter. It is a very striking feature on the landscape and can be seen from miles around. From here there are great views across Dublin Bay to Howth and west to Glencullen.
After we finished reading Donal Dorr’s A Creed for Today, the book club wrote to him saying how informative we found his book. By way of response, we were introduced to a very interesting discussion of the relationship between science and theology, a further insight.
We’ve been very lucky with the recent weather for our garden Masses in Benildus Pastoral Centre Kilmacud, courtesy of the De La Salle brothers. It would be a very suitable choice of location, close to nature, for Mass on Climate Sunday. This should help to prepare us for the forthcoming UN COP 26 (Conference of the Parties) discussions on climate change in Glasgow this coming November. Ongoing participation by some community members at the Fridays for Future events outside the Dail is a further contribution to raising awareness in the run up to COP26.