The Loving Sister Earth Team have shared the following news:
National Holy Wells Day
We celebrated this year on June 13. As last year, Covid -19 inhibited gatherings around local wells, but LSE and Solas Bhride combined to present a 45-minute virtual celebration and ritual, with text, history, prayer, image and story. Viewers were invited to participate creatively at home, using water, ribbons, stones, and a globe or atlas. RTE’s Leap of Faith pre-viewed the programme by interview, which encouraged interest in the actual event.

LSE Website Wind-down
We regret to inform you that the LSE site will shortly be closing down, but we want to thank you for your visits and support over the years. Together we formed a lively Internet Community, with which we believe both God and Pope Francis must have been happy! We discerned that it was time to terminate the site for several reasons:
MISSION: The LSE site has now fulfilled its intended mission, and other sites can better provide the resources needed to maintain and develop the spirituality behind Laudato Si. Such sites include the Laudato Si Movement (formerly GCCM and now re-named as of July 29).
FUTURE: We hope to identify another group which will develop National Holy Wells Day with new energy and vision.
In addition we should add that the site itself has passed its retirement date, according to the technicians, and we do not have the resources to build anew. And of course our small LSE team has also been clocking up the years! While we regret having to close down we believe that nothing done in love is ever wasted: God values the small things and gathers them into eternal care. May God bless your own labours, and ours, into the future!