Bertie Stirling shared this news with us:
On the 19th July we met as a small but significant group to celebrate the Partnership between Hugh’s Meadow Nature Reserve and Arocha UK. We gathered in a large barn to share and experience a small part of the wonderful creation God has made us part of. After some refreshments and introductions, Bertie Stirling read some words from scripture and Rev. Canon David Humphries lead us in some prayers.
Mr. Frank Ellison (Owner) Told us the story of Hugh’s Meadow and Mr. Andy Lester (Conservation Officer for Arocha UK) and Miss Regina Ebner (Partners in Action Manager for A Rocha UK) gave some thoughts on Arocha UK and the ‘Partners in Action’ scheme. We all then enjoyed a walk in Hugh’s Meadow marvelling in the amazing diversity of plant and animal life around us. The Ellison family have cared for the land for many years and particularly for the wildlife in Hugh’s Meadow over the last 20+ years. This is the beginning of another phase of sharing that plot with others in the local community and further afield.