Although Drumalis is closed at present to guests due to the pandemic, this has not prevented the resident Sisters from marking Laudato Si’ week in a number of ways.
In early spring, Sr Margaret Rose and Sr Anna have sown wildflower seeds at the cosmic walk, a much loved element of the many creation spirituality retreats which have taken place here over the years. The beauty of poppies and cornflowers and the many species they will attract therefore awaits the returning guests.
Ecology along with spirituality and ecumenism form the core work of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion at Drumalis. At a Congregational level too, care of the earth is a central focus. To mark this commitment, two Passion Flowers (passiflora) have been planted in the Conservatory. The flower has long been associated with the Order, given its etymology as a symbol of Christ’s Passion, including his scourging, crowning with thorns, three nails and five wounds.