“…we know that approximately a third of all food produced
is discarded, and “whenever food is thrown out it is as if
it were stolen from the table of the poor.”
– Laudato Si 50
Catherine Brennan SSL, Catholic representative on the ECI committee, asked the Sisters at Drumalis to plant a tree at on behalf of Eco-Congregation Ireland to mark Laudato Si Week 2021 and the Feast of Pentecost.
Echoing Pope Francis’ words taken from Laudato Si’, Sister Margaret Rose and Sister Anna have planted an apple tree in the grounds of Drumalis. We are connected to the earth for our planet’s survival – the apple tree is symbolic of this. Its fruit will provide nourishment, its flowers and leaves will provide a habitat for wildlife.
The apple tree is a reminder that we must support the poor and the starving throughout the world, on the brink of famine, who do not have the basic necessities we take for granted in the economically developed world.
A new apple tree planted in front of Drumalis house will stand as a renewed call to awareness of world hunger and the need for us to put an end to water and food waste. 800 million people suffer from hunger worldwide and 700 million are obese – victims of improper dietary habits.
“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces,
I would still plant my apple tree.”
– Martin Luther
Sr Catherine also asked An Tairseach to plant a rowan tree at their orchard in Co Wicklow to mark Earth Day 2021.