Raise your voice in faith for climate justice: How you can influence COP26 and your nation’s climate change commitments! Thursday 13 May 2021, 12:00 UTC. Click here to register to join: https://bit.ly/3sdFb5s.
This webinar will provide you with information, tools and ideas to engage decision makers about climate change ahead of COP26. It will include an overview of how to engage with COP26 and the ‘nationally determined contributions’ (NDCs) process, and give concrete examples and ideas from around the world of people of faith taking action for climate justice. Following presentations and discussion, participants will be able to join a breakout room to learn more and share about ways of taking action, including how to engage their church, how to take action on social media, how to engage with media, how to organise a protest, and how to engage with politicians. Please encourage as many people as possible to join in and learn how they can take action for climate justice, and share ideas and skills with others!