Rose O’Connor sent ECI this latest news:
The Diocese of Limerick, working in partnership with the Salesian Cosmology Group have engaged with people across the Diocese and beyond about caring for our common home through two book clubs, each of which ran over four nights.
From the 26th of January to the 16th of February, we ran a 4-week Laudato Si’ book club with four different speakers addressing different themes of Laudato Si’.
Jane Mellett from Trócaire presented an ‘Introduction to Laudato Si – Looking at the Ecological Crisis through the lens of faith’.
Niamh Brennan spoke of our ‘Emerging spirituality in light of our cosmic story – a way of entering into Laudato Si’. Niamh Brennan is a writer and lecturer in the area of cosmology, ecology and spirituality. She is the author of ‘The Human in the Universe’ and co-author of ‘The Universe Story in Science and Myth’.
Betty Baker, a Salesian Sister spoke about ‘What kind of world are we leaving to future generations?’ drawing inspiration from Laudato Si’.
Donal Dorr spoke about ‘Ecological conversion – putting Laudato Si into practice’. Donal is a missionary priest and theologian who has spent many years facilitating workshops on justice and ecology issues both in Ireland and in Africa. He is the author of The Pope Francis Agenda which includes a long commentary on Laudato Si, and also A Creed for Today.
From the 9th to the 30th of March, we ran another 4-week book club on Fratelli Tutti. This book club was facilitated by Dr Suzanne Mulligan, over the 4 evenings we examined Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, taking a step-by-step journey through his rich and compelling document. In Fratelli Tutti Pope Francis examines many urgent issues concerning identity, belonging, social inclusion, human rights, politics, conflict and violence, and reconciliation. Dr Suzanne Mulligan is a Lecturer in Moral Theology at the Pontifical University, Maynooth.