Tony Brady, Committee Member, Unitarian Church, St. Stephen’s Green sent ECI this update:
To help fulfill their commitment to preserving the environment, Dublin Unitarian Church have begun a practice of including an idea each week in the green dot section of their weekly newsletter. The message for week ending 28th February 2021, highlighted Glenisk, who are working in partnership with www.selfhelpafrica.org to plant more than 1 million trees. Glenisk Organic Milk are using recyclable packaging for their milk.
Having reduced their carbon emissions in milk packaging by more than half, they endeavour to offset the remainder by supporting a series of emission reduction projects with www.elopak.com. These include protecting rain forests and promoting biodiversity in Indonesia so as to provide shelter for indigenous animals, including orangutans. Another project is the reduction of greenhouse gases and the support of Kenyan communities through provision of safe sustainable stoves. Further details can be seen on the Glenisk milk cartons.
Forests are one of our best lines of defence against climate change and restoring them is crucial. Though the measure alone would not be a substitute for reducing carbon emissions directly, it is very encouraging that Glenisk have made deliberate efforts to reduce their emissions and to be responsible and sustainable.