Latest news from Westport Eco-Congregation:
Westport as a town has the fantastic opportunity to become the lead town in Mayo in addressing climate change. As part of the national Climate Action Plan, every local authority in the country has to nominate a Decarbonising Zone (DZ). This DZ will work to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030. Westport Eco-Congregation is hoping Westport can win this designation and the supports that come with it. The biggest benefit, as we all know, will be securing our future, and that of our children. Their committee is involved with a large collaborative approach in this application to Mayo County Council.
Westport Eco-Congregation will be supporting #WeChooseReuse campaign, once restrictions lift. VOICE Ireland, need your help! There are so many brilliant businesses all around Ireland offering Refill and Reuse and they want to celebrate them. A refill or reuse business is a shop or café, or any business, which allows people to bring their own refillable containers. That can be:
- A reusable coffee cup (cafes are allowed to accept reusable again).
- A shop that has items and goods on sale which are packaging-free (no plastic). For example, nuts, lentils, pulses are sold without packaging and customers are encouraged to bring their own containers (we call these refill shops/stores).
- A fruit and veg shop that sells their produce packaging free.
- A business that will let you bring a lunch box in to refill: butcher/fishmonger.
To get involved – 1) Email: [email protected] 2) Poster posted to you 3) take it to the store for a photo 4) Let VOICE know what shops are in your town that participated.