Dates: Thursday 15th April, Saturday 24th April, Thursday 29th April, Thursday 6th May, Thursday 13th May, Thursday 20th May
Time: 3pm to 4.30pm
Booking closes at 12pm midday the day before each event
Cost: €30 per session or €150 for all 6
Over six weeks participants will engage in a series of conversations with inspiring people who, following in the footsteps of Thomas Berry, have animated expressions of the ‘dream of the earth’.
From embryonic beginnings of An Tairseach, you will hear from Miriam Therese MacGillis OP, founder of Genesis Farm and Marian O Sullivan OP co-founder of An Tairseach and others. Almost thirty years ago in the face of many challenges and struggles, both institutionally and personally, these women took Thomas Berry at his word and began their own Great Work. In doing this they paved the way for a new understanding of human-Earth relations and established a way of living that could both honour and teach this. These were the beginnings of a radical change in an understanding of how to live community and have influenced and shaped many religious and non-religious communities throughout the world.
Some thirty years later, the questions remain as real and as urgent. What is the ‘Great Work’ of our time? How can I contribute to building the Earth? Handing on the baton to future visions, we will converse with thought provoking Diarmuid O’Murchu MSC (bestselling author); Cathriona Russell (formerly Director of the Masters in Ecology and Religion at All Hallows College) and Niamh Brennan (author of ‘The human in the Universe’) about contemporary tasks that face us, encouraging us on viable pathways into the ‘Great work’ of our times…
More information about each individual conversation can be found on the booking page on their website. To book your place, click here. All participants will receive a zoom link for the event in the afternoon of the day before it takes place.