The Climate Sunday initiative is calling on all local churches across Great Britain & Ireland to hold a climate-focused service on any Sunday before 5 September 2021. At this service, congregations are encouraged to make a commitment to greater action to address climate change in their own place of worship and community and to use their voice to tell politicians we want a cleaner, greener, fairer future at the heart of plans agreed during COP26.
A selection of service materials and themed resources are available for all denominations and traditions. The vision is to leave a lasting legacy of thousands of UK and Irish churches better equipped to address this critical issue as part of their normal discipleship and mission.
Churches in England, Scotland and Wales are registering and the organisers are keen that Irish churches take part too.
You can register your climate-focused service on their website here: https://www.climatesunday.org/register.
There are resources for both virtual and in person services here: https://www.climatesunday.org/resources.
For more information on the Climate Sunday initiative contact [email protected] or visit https://www.climatesunday.org/