Brian O’Toole sent ECI this update:
St. Canice’s Parish in Finglas was privileged to host the Eco-Congregation Ireland Climate Justice Candle at the beginning of this special Season of Creation. It’s presence offered us a chance to explain the candle, the journal and it’s interfaith journey that shines a much needed spotlight on the detrimental affects of human behaviour on our delicate environment.
We showed a creation video to all mass attendees during the first Sunday of this wonderful season. We posted to our Facebook Page daily explaining the teachings of Laudato Si, what Jubilee for the Earth means and entails whilst at the same time encouraging all to action.
The actions were as simple as a behaviour change, attending a webinar, watching a video, reading and sharing a post or perhaps thinking about making a more obvious stand by joining an organisation that promotes the protection of our common home and our role as stewards of our planet for future generations.
We posted in our newsletter and we raised a banner as we were supported in all by the Parish Clergy who took every opportunity to alert and inform on all matters “Season of Creation”.
We look now to work how best to capitalise on this good start as we look to next steps and new steps. The candle was to move on after a period but given that we have been locked down again in Dublin the candle will remain lit in Finglas as a symbol of hope for all who share our common home.