The Margaret Aylward Centre sent ECI this update:
It has been a great pleasure to host a number of events on zoom, from the Margaret Aylward Centre in conjunction with Trocaire and the Laudato Si working group.
First we hosted a book club in June where we re read Laudato Si. Jane Mellet delivered an excellent presentation each week with plenty of time for discussion. Her resources are now available for interested parishes or local groups who might be interested.
Then we were thrilled to be involved with the ‘Love Letter to the Earth’ – a one hour concert to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si (
And in recent weeks, we have been blessed to host Fr Dermot Lane as he opens up his new book with us, chapter by chapter. ‘Theology and Ecology in Dialogue: The Wisdom of Laudato Si’ is a challenging and inspiring read, that is all the more accessible when read as a group one chapter at a time. Over 140 people have now registered from across the whole island and are finding the weekly gathering very helpful.
We are grateful to the whole team involved in connecting so many interested people together so that we can all learn more about how to live Laudato Si in our lives! We look forward to the next steps that emerge on this new journey we are all making together”